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There are many ways you can be involved in the school, as a parent and as a Parishioner.

A Community of Parents and Friends:

St Joseph’s Community of Parents and Friends consists of parent volunteers and representatives from our community. St Joseph’s recognises that many parents would welcome the opportunity to be involved in raising the social and financial capital of our school. Our community offers a variety of opportunities and events where parents can commit to a group annually. The small community groups work collaboratively to organise events, fundraisers, social gatherings and celebrations for all in our community. 

Meetings for the Community of Parents and Friends are held as a collective twice yearly to launch events and commit parents to selected groups. The small working groups meet as needed to prepare events and celebrations. 

As A Volunteer:

St Joseph’s is often asking for helpers both in and outside the classroom. It is so important to our school to have our parents in and around our learning experiences. If you are interested in volunteering throughout your child(rens) schooling be sure to complete our Volunteer process and check under Child Safe on our website. 

Please speak to your child’s teacher or come and visit the office to find out the many ways you can help. 

All volunteers at St Joseph’s must hold a current Working With Children’s Check and complete an induction, inclusive of signing and agreeing to a Parent Code of Conduct. 
