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At St. Joseph's we carefully structure the school day prioritising specific subjects to ensure a comprehensive education is maintained. We recognise that children are individuals and they learn in different ways, so we plan the curriculum using a wide variety of teaching and learning strategies.

School begins at 8:50am

Session 1. 9am – 10:50am

Recess 10:50 - 11:30

Session 2. 11:30am – 1.20pm

Lunch 1:20pm - 2:10pm

Session 3. 2:10 - 3:20

Teachers place a major priority in these learning blocks. Session 1 usually has a focus around Literacy and Session 2  is Numeracy and Religious Education. After lunch consists of a combination of The Humanities, Art, LOTE, Music and Library, Health and Physical Education.

St Joeys 40 1Religious Education
The "Source of Life" is the new Religious Education program that is being used across the Sandhurst Diocese.

The program aims to develop a sense of love for each other and our world through the teachings of Gospel values.

A major component of "The Source of Life" is about taking action and emphasising how we can make our world a better place by how we treat others and our environment. We hope to make lessons interesting and address issues that are relevant to the children.

Religious Education in a Catholic school permeates its way through the whole curriculum and our lives at school. We have many special events that promote this and traditions that demonstrate that we are a proud Catholic School.


The proficiencies of Understanding, Fluency,Problem Solving and Reasoning are fundamental to learning mathematics and working mathematically and are applied across all three strands Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry, and Statistics and Probability. Essential Assessment is one resource used to identify student's individual abilities and where their gaps are in their learning.

Religious Education

Religious Education in a Catholic school permeates its way through the whole curriculum and our lives at school. We have many special events which promote this and also our traditions that demonstrate that we are a proud Catholic school.

St Joeys 139Humanities

In History and Geography, students explore the processes that have shaped and which continue to shape different societies and cultures, to appreciate the common humanity shared across time and distance, and to evaluate the ways in which humans have faced and continue to face different challenges.

Physical Education

Our Physical Education program promotes teamwork, skill development, fitness, self esteem and healthy living. We have weekly PE lessons, as well as sport and fitness sessions.


The school has in place a two hour Literacy Block in which specific skills of language development are taught. This takes place 5 days a week in the first 2 hours. Through the integration of the three strands of the curriculum, Reading and Viewing, Writing and speaking and Listening, the students are provided with learning experiences that enable them to develop skills and strategies to be competent and confident users of the English language. Literacy skills are best taught through modelled, guided and independent learning experiences based on explicit teaching.

Additional Programs

Bluearth: Bluearth is a holistic approach to physical activity and wellbeing. The Arts:The students have a one hour lesson based around the Visual Arts and a one hour lesson for Music. Languages:Student participate in AUSLAN sessions once a week. S.T.E.M:The Technologies provide a framework for students to learn how to use technologies to create innovative solutions that meet current and future needs.